『壹』 发给客户指定货代的委托书怎么做啊,外贸新手,毫无

shipper 、consignee、 notify party信息整上去,
还有你们家订单号 ,集装箱柜型柜量
货物品名数量毛重体积 唛头(订舱时不重要)
起运港 目的港

『贰』 海运出口货物代运委托单 英文怎么写


『叁』 国际航空运输进口货物代理协议 麻烦翻成英语

( a ) Party A hereby appoints Party B as the international air transport import agent entrusted by Party A, Party B agrees to accept.
( two) B must be in accordance with Party A's authorization scope and content, conscientiously perform their ties, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Party A.
( three ) the parties shall provide the enterprise legal person business license, the organization code certificate and other relevant legal documents ...

『肆』 寄给货代的委托书是什么样子的


『伍』 货代委托书 英语怎么说的

Power of attorney

Power of attorney

『陆』 出口货运代理委托书上的HAS编号是什么意思

/产地证(CO,FA,FE,FF等各类FTA) 商会/各国大使馆认证(报关单,价格单,ccvo等),一次性SASO ,

『柒』 海运出口委托书的shipper填写的是真实的货主还是货代啊还有consignee和notify party都是填什么!!急求!



notify party有时是收货方指定的进口国货代,如果没有指定可以空白。
如果是货代制作海运出口委托书,notify party通常是出口国货代联系的进口国货代。

『捌』 关于货运合同,哪位大侠能帮我翻译成英文

I, entrusted with the Deputy

1.1 entrust Party A Party B as the sale of its international cargo transport agents, contractors B delivery of the goods booking agents, customs agents, the agents removable box, storage agent, agent-equipped ships in Hong Kong, and other business;

1.2 Party A Party B as an international freight forwarder

Second, the rights and obligations of both sides

2.1 Party A Party B shall, in accordance with the instructions indicate that freight, B for the provision of booking, customs declaration, removable box, storage, distribution Hong Kong-ship agency services.

2.2 Party A Party B shall, in accordance with the requirements to provide shipping information, dynamic information on the Carriage of Goods, two-way ship to ship information.

2.3 B in a timely manner in accordance with an agreement to pay Party A sea freight rates and fees, payment for 100% of the pre-paid;

2.4 ring the performance of the agreement, in the event of changes to freight carrier to increase the lead to additional costs, such as A and B both sides agreed the price changes, Party A Party B should be notified immediately, since B received the notice from the date of the decision within one business day to pay the increase Money back to do to deal with customs or other processing, not to be notified of the Party B, Party A shall be dealt with in accordance with the normal shipment at the expense of the B commitment.

Party A Party B performance of 2.5 matters entrusted to the process, change the requirements of Party B, the commission revoked the matter should be compensation for losses suffered by the Party, therefore, bear the Party and therefore pay the cost.

2.6 as a result of non-Party A Party B and their causes of the goods can not be a normal delivery, cargo damage worse, no single Fanghuo, delay in delivery, delivery, and other improper circumstances, Party A Party B should be carried out with claims and to provide non-binding Advice, consequences and costs borne by the B.

Third, the responsibility for breach of contract

3.1 any breach of this Agreement shall agree to pay liquidated damages to each other, the maximum penalty of not more than two ticket on the amount of freight delivery business.

3.2 resulted in force majeure as a result of an agreement on the other side of the breach of contract, the two sides only e to force majeure as a direct result of the loss of its obligations.

3.3 as a result of third-party agreement caused a breach of the direction of the other party, the party in breach should be without delay to the non-disclosure of third-party breach of contract, breach of contract by the non-recourse to a third party, the party in breach should provide all possible assistance

Fourth, the jurisdiction and effectiveness

Agreement 4.1 People's Republic of China by law and subject to the signing of the contract to the jurisdiction of the court has jurisdiction.

4.2 Since the two sides signed an agreement or after the entry into force of the seal, is valid for one year. After the expiry of the agreement, either party requests to extend the expiration date, the agreement should be e 30 days prior to the other party in writing to apply for an extension, the other by agreement of both sides to renew this agreement.

4.3 party as a result of breach of contract with the People's Republic of China law cancel the contract situation, ahead of the other party has the right to the lifting of this Agreement.

4.4 Agreement in plicate, the two sides an armed, have the same legal effect.

PS If there is a direct English model, sharing your thoughts with us.


『玖』 请问进口、出口都必须给货代寄代理报关、报检委托书吗


备注: 1、外贸公司是指经国家经贸部或省、市级经贸委批准其有进出口商品经营和代理权的企业。

2、所需通关单据:1)进口合同 2)进口发票 3)装箱单 4)海运提单 5)提货单(正本海运提单 背书、传真空运单据换取) 6)各种进口许可证(根据海关商品编号上的规定)


备注: 1、海关备案是指进口商将进口的货物如实向海关申报,而无需加税和进口许可证。备案进区后的货物呈保税状态。
2、海关备案所需提供的单据:1)进口合同(如国外卖方是本公司系统可免去) 2)进口发票 3)装箱单 4)提货单(正本海运提单背书、空运提单换取) 5)海运、空运提单 6)保税仓储进库登记簿

备注: 1、方法B是指在保税区内投资经营自身产品,且经保税区海关核准按月、季等核销期限的仓库和生产性企业,进口时可办理的方法。特点是货物可先实现国内销售,后报关付税、付证。
2、通关和核销单据:1)进口合同(保税区内企业和外贸公司的) 2进口发票(保税区内企业和外贸公司的) 3)装箱单 4)出库单(正本) 5)各种进口许可证(根据海关商品编号上的规定)

备注: 1、这种方式是保税区内企业为了保证自己独立对海外经商的进口通关方法。
2、通关单据:1)进口合同(如国外卖方是本公司系统可免去) 2)进口发票 3)装箱单 4)提货单(正本海运提单背书、空运提单换取) 5)海运、空运提单 6)进口合同(保税区内企业与外贸公司) 7)进口发票(保税区内企业与外贸公司) 8)各种进口许可证(根据海关商品编号规定)


进口联系人: 吴先生(进出口行业工作超过8年)
